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Registration for the EAHIL 2024 Conference is CLOSED!


The Riga conference theme, "Small Step and a Giant Leap: Reorienting Towards a New Environment", encourages libraries to adapt and thrive amidst continual evolution, encompassing both incremental changes and significant advancements while building upon the inspiring ideas of the EAHIL 2023 theme.

National Library of Latvia
                             (National Library of Latvia)

The International Programme Committee has developed the following Key subthemes for your attention:

  • Shaping the Educational Environment
  • Research & Open Science
  • Libraries as change agents
  • Visibility & Strategic presence
  • Technology & Tools

Please take note of the following essential dates:

  • Deadline for abstract submission: 10 November 2023
  • Notification of acceptance: December 2023
  • Authors confirm final versions of abstracts: January 2024
  • Authors confirm attendance: February 2024

Should you have any inquiries or require support, please feel free to reach out to our team at eahil2024atrsu[pnkts]lvdata-linkindex="4".We extend our gratitude for your participation and eagerly anticipate your presence at EAHIL 2024!