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Preparation of e-posters

  • E-posters will be available for viewing/commenting/discussing via the virtual platform throughout the EAHIL 2024 conference.
  • Each e-poster will consist of a 1-page JPG or PNG image file.
  • The participants and scientific committee can chat with the poster authors on the virtual platform and place comments into the author's profile. We strongly suggest authors respond to questions/comments received.

Technical specification for e-poster preparation

Prepare your e-poster as a 1-page static image file to be uploaded to EAHIL 2024 conference virtual platform. It is mandatory to use the .pptx template for upper and lower border visual design.

Sections inside the poster can be adjusted/renamed based on the content of the poster.

  • Language: All e-posters should be prepared in English.
  • File format: .jpg or .png (minimum resolution 1080x1920).
  • E-Poster orientation: portrait (vertical).
  • Hyperlinks, animated images, animations, and videos are not permitted for e-posters and will be non-functioning.
  • QR codes are permitted.
  • When you have finished your poster using the provided .pptx template, please select File - Save As, choose “JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpg)” or “PNG Portable Network Graphics Format (*.png)” as file format and click Save.
  • Upload your .jpg/.png file to virtual platform by navigating to your poster page under VIRTUAL POSTERS tab. Access to virtual platform will be sent in the last week of May 2024.
  • We also advise you to upload an additional PDF version of your poster as a downloadable file in your profile if your poster contains detailed schemes and graphs that require higher resolution.
  • To ensure proper visibility, use font size of at least 16 points or larger. To test your poster before you upload it, print it for proofreading on paper (A4 size) and if it reads clearly from one meter then your electronic version will look fine.
  • Step by step guide for uploading posters into virtual platform will be distributed to authors together with virtual platform access details. Poster upload guide.

Messaging with e-poster authors

You can chat with e-poster authors by posting a comment under the e-poster profile page or via chat option.


By uploading your e-poster, you agree to having it published on the EAHIL 2024 conference virtual platform and freely accessible to all participants.

Access to virtual platform

You will receive access and instructions for the virtual platform in the last week of May.


The deadline for uploading your poster presentation into virtual platform is 7 June 2024, 23:59 EEST.

Preparation of posters for printing for exhibition at conference venue

  • Additionally to e-posters being uploaded to EAHIL 2024 conference virtual platform, printed posters will be exhibited at the conference venue as banners. 
  • For print posters, please, adjust content of your e-poster to 7:10 proportions, using one of the templates for printing: 
  • After completing your .ppt format poster, please, convert it to .pdf format. 
  • Posters will be printed in Riga by conference organizers in a 70 cm width and 100 cm height format.  
  • The deadline for sending your poster for printing to email eahil2024atrsu[pnkts]lv is by 4 June 2024, 23:59 EEST

Poster Presentation Rapid-fire session

  • On Wednesday, June 12th, 15:00-15:30, at the conference venue, Poster Presentation Rapid-fire session will take place. During it conference organizers will show each poster on the screen and each poster author will have the opportunity to give a 1-minute-long introduction to their poster. To show on screen, a PDF version of the poster will be used.
  • Poster authors, who can only participate in the conference online, if they want their poster to be presented during Poster Presentation Rapid-fire session, will have to send in a pre-recorded 1-minute-long video presentation in MP4, MOV, AVI or WMV format, 1920x1080px resolution, showing both speaker and poster (speaker view with shared screen can be used).