Oral presentation guidelines
Preparation of oral presentation slides
- File format: your presentation slides should be prepared in PPTX (PowerPoint) format. You can use the template sent to you via email by organizers, but it is not mandatory.
- More slide designs can be added through Home -> New Slide option in MS PowerPoint program.
- Ratio: aspect ratio of your presentation slides must be 16:9, minimum resolution 1080x1920.
Presenting your oral presentation slides
- The oral presentation total time should be 20 minutes. That includes 15 minutes for presenting your slides + 5 minutes for the audience Q&A. If presenting your slides takes longer, there will be less time left for Q&A.
- At the EAHIL 2024 conference oral presentations can be presented in person or online. Authors of oral presentations will be contacted at the end of May 2024 to specify the presentation mode and provide the Zoom link if presenting online.
If presenting in person
- Your presentation should be uploaded on the presentation computer in the assigned conference room, no later than during the break before your talk.
If presenting online
- You must join your live session at least 15 minutes before your scheduled time by using the Zoom link sent to your email.
- Make sure that you have a functional webcam and microphone for your speech. Please test your sound and video before joining the session. You will be asked to share your screen during your presentation. When receiving your Zoom link, you will get details about date and time in the week leading up to conference, when you can test your webcam and microphone in the Zoom in advance.
- Authors presenting online will also have to send in a pre-recorded video presentation in MP4, MOV, AVI or WMV format, 1920x1080px resolution, that organizers will show on screen in case there are technical problems and author can't present during the session. The deadline for sending in your pre-recorded video to email eahil2024
rsu[pnkts]lv is 3 June 2024, 23:59.
The conference programme is being finalized. Please check the day and time of your presentation on the Programme page at our website.